Sunday, May 31, 2009

Deer in the Garden

Got home last night in the midst of a severe thunderstorm. Mac, our English Shepherd, was nowhere to be found. Yesterday morning, Mac had blown through our "Dog Watch" fence chasing two deer, and, evidently, they had come back to scope out the property again. So, in the midst of a tornado warning, I went out with a flashlight looking for my dog. Within 10 minutes, he finally arrived, terrified of the storm and covered with burrs.

This morning, I came downstairs to the kitchen. Looking out through the French doors, what do I see? Two deer, one by my bird feeder, and one within 15 feet of my kitchen door - eyeing the herb garden! They are either very bold creatures, or very stupid. Mac hit the door, and chased them away. This time, he was aware of the fence and stopped before being zapped.

We enjoyed a benefit concert, last night, for a fine arts center here in the county. It was the initial concert for both a local "wannabe" regional symphony and a local chorus. The concert was NOT well attended, but a promising start for a group promoting the arts.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A well-needed rain

At last. While northern Ohio has been a bit wet, it has been very dry here. Last night, a thunderstorm gave us well over an inch of rain. Great for the new hostas we got from my sister (she owns a shade-loving perennial farm that were planted today, plus the dahlias that are beginning to sprout.

Debbie accompanied a young trumpet player today at a nearby church, while I served as liturgist at our home church. It was a glorious day, and we spent time remembering those who gave their lives in service to our country. God is good!

Friday, May 22, 2009

An evening in the garden

Watered, sprayed Round-up on the driveway, planted 12 salvia, 3 echinacea "Tomato Soup" and 3 echinacea "Tiki Torch". Until last year, I didn't realize how many different colors of coneflower were available. I now have purple, white, orange, red, and yellow. I enjoy working outside even if my 2 year old English Shepherd, Mac, wants to "help".

Day 1 of the blog

I have two nephews who do this quite well. I thought I should figure out how this all works, so we can communicate to many people at the same time if need be. So good.