Not sure if the above is Ao Hui with her foster mother or a caregiver. We will land in Beijing on November 4, and stay in the Novotel Peace Hotel until the 8th. On the 8th, we fly to Nanchang, and Moriah is ours that afternoon. Our hotel in Nanchang is the Gloria Plaza Hotel. We have 5 days to get to know each other, then on to Guangzhou where we stay at the White Swan Hotel. It seems that all adoptive families stay in this same hotel. The 19th sees us getting our final clearances and the visa for Moriah Elisabeth Ao Hui Pockras, then we take a train to Hong Kong, spending the night there at the Regal Airport Hotel before boarding our flight home on the 20th. We should arrive home in Columbus the night of November 20.
We are so happy for you!!! She is a treasure and will be loved so much! God bless :) Keri, Josh & Maylee